DateWednesday, 21 Jun 2023


A Case Study on Drouin Veterinary Clinic's Experience with Windcave's ezyVet Integration

A Case Study on Drouin Veterinary Clinic's Experience with Windcave's ezyVet Integration

Introduction: Embracing Efficiency in Veterinary Care

In the dynamic and demanding world of veterinary services, efficiency and accuracy are paramount. Drouin Veterinary Clinic, a mixed practice clinic nestled in the heart of Drouin, Australia, has been serving the community with a wide range of veterinary services. Catering to diverse clientele, from dairy farms and hobby farmers to pet owners, the clinic has built a reputation for its comprehensive care and commitment to animal health. Recognizing the need for a more efficient payment processing system, they turned to the integration of Windcave and ezyVet. This case study delves into the transformative impact of this integration on their operations, as narrated by Linda Banks, the Practice Manager at Drouin Veterinary Clinic.

The Challenge: Addressing Payment Processing Hurdles

Despite their commitment to providing top-notch veterinary services, Drouin Veterinary Clinic faced significant challenges with their payment processing. Manual entry of payment details was not only time-consuming but also prone to human error. Linda Banks, the Practice Manager, recalls, "We were finding that there was a big lapse in time from manually keying in the numbers into the EFTPOS machines to process client payments. The other things that we were finding were human errors being keying errors or not processing the payment fully on the client file."

The Solution: Integrating Windcave and ezyVet for Seamless Payments

In their quest for efficiency and accuracy, Drouin Veterinary Clinic turned to Windcave, a global provider of innovative payment solutions. The integration of Windcave with ezyVet offered a seamless solution that eliminated manual processing, reduced human error, and improved the overall customer experience. Linda shares, "To streamline the process was really, really important and also to make it as easy as possible for the staff was vital."

The Implementation: Smooth Onboarding and Wide Utilization

The onboarding and setup experience with Windcave was straightforward and easy. Linda recalls, "I found it really easy to get up and running and then, we also have access for the staff to log onto the Windcave website and portal so they can just double check transactions when need be." The integration was utilized by various roles within the clinic, from the vets to the reception team.

The Impact: Significant Improvements and Positive Feedback

The integration of Windcave and ezyVet has significantly improved the clinic's operations. Linda shares, "We're saving somewhere between 3 to 6 hours a week on that front, so that has just been fantastic."

One of the most beneficial features has been the implementation of remote payments. This feature allows clients to pay their invoices via a secure payment link that can be sent through SMS or email, reducing friction at checkout and ensuring a smooth client experience. Linda enthuses, "The most exciting integration for us has definitely being the remote payment links that we're able to send out, that's been a game changer, particularly for new clients or non-regular clients that we are now getting prepayments for. And after hours it's been just fantastic."

The integration has not only improved the clinic's operations but also enhanced the customer experience. Linda notes, "Just less waiting time, less frustration for them. It's just a matter of clicking two buttons on the practice management software, then a link is sent to the client via email and mobile. The payment applies to the client file on Ezyvet within minutes."

In Conclusion: A Testament to the Power of Integration

The integration of Windcave and ezyVet has proven to be a powerful tool for Drouin Veterinary Clinic, transforming their payment process, reducing errors, and enhancing customer satisfaction. This case study serves as a testament to the potential of such integrations in streamlining operations, improving efficiency, and ultimately, delivering better veterinary care. Linda Banks, the practice manager, highly recommends this integration to any ezyVet customer looking to enhance their payment process and overall efficiency. She concludes, "I would say that the whole process is really quite straightforward and easy to do."

Are you interested in experiencing the same level of efficiency and customer satisfaction as Drouin Veterinary Clinic? Don't hesitate to contact us to learn more about how Windcave & ezyVet Integration can streamline your operations and enhance your customer experience. We're here to help you transform your payment process and grow your business.